Percentage Decrease Calculator

Percentage decrease calculators help you to find percentage drops between two values.

Percentage Decrease


Percentage Decrease 0% 0%

About Percentage Decrease Calculator

Looking for an easy way to calculate percentage decrease between two values without manual calculations? Try this free percentage decrease calculator to find percent decrease from one value to another swiftly.

The percentage calculator enables users to determine the decrease from one amount to a lesser amount in percentage effortlessly. This online utility allows users to calculate percentage decreases without facing complicated procedures. Whether you are accessing this percentage decrease calculator from a smartphone, personal computer, or tablet, you can easily find the percentage decrease between an original value and a new value. Moreover, the facility allows you to make countless percentage decrease calculations without restrictions.

How to Calculate Percentage Decrease?

The percentage calculator allows its users to find the reduction from one value to another in terms of percentage without facing any ambiguity. The simple and easy steps will allow you to calculate percentage difference with this calculator.

Reach this percentage decrease calculator online.
Insert both values in the given fields.
Press the calculate button to get accurate percentage decrease calculation results instantly.

Percentage Decrease Formula

The calculation for the decrease in the percentage of two values is based on the percentage decrease formula. Below is the formula to calculate the % decrease between the values a and b:

Percentage Decrease: [(Starting Value−Final Value / Starting Value)] ×100

Using this method, you can calculate the difference between values for the initial value in percentage.

How to Calculate Percentage Decrease Manually?

Find percentage decrease between two numbers becomes straightforward using the above-shared formula. Here are a few examples that will enable you to learn the method of calculating percentage decrease manually using the formula.

Percentage Decrease Example 1:

The original price of a book was $20. The business owner announced a discount on the books, and the new price of the pen is now $10. What is the percent decrease in the book price?


Old Price of Book: $20

New Price of Book: $10

Enter the values in the percent decrease formula:

Percentage decrease: [(Old Value - New Value) / Old Value] × 100

= [(20-10)/20] x 100

= [10/20] x 100

= 0.5 x 100

= 50%

So, the percent decrease in the price of book is 50%.

Percentage Decrease Example 2:

Bella averaged 80 mph driving on the highway. But, while returning during rush hour, she averaged 50 mph. What is the % decrease in her rate of travel?


Initial Speed: 80 mph

Final Speed: 50 mph

Enter the values in the percent decrease formula:

Percentage decrease: [(Initial Value – Final Value) / Initial Value] × 100

= [(80-50)/80] x 100

= [30/80] x 100

= 0.375 x 100

= 37.5%

So, Bella travelled 37.5% more slowly on her second trip.

Percent Decrease Example 3

Alex scored a 90 on her first Physics test and a 74 on her second Physics test. Find the percentage decrease between test scores?


Old Test Score: 90

New Test Score: 74

Enter the values in the percentage decrease formula:

Percentage decrease: [(Old Value - New Value) / Old Value] × 100

= [(90-74)/90] x 100

= [16/90] x 100

= 0.117 x 100

= 17.77%

So, the rate of percentage decrease between Alex's test scores was 17.77%.

Percent Decrease Example 4:

The price of apples is $12 per Kilogram in the summer season and $8 per Kilogram in the winter season then calculate the percentage decrease in the price of apples.

Initial price = $12

Final price = $8

Enter the values in the formula for percentage decrease:

Percentage decrease: [(Old Value - New Value) / Old Value] × 100

= [(12-8)/12] x 100

= [4/12] x 100

= 0.333 x 100

= 33.33%

Percentage decrease of apples prize = 33.33333%